Slavica Ražić participated in the panel discussion “Green Chemistry – Actions and Challenges”
The panel discussion “Green Chemistry – Actions and Challenges” was successfully organized at the 60th National Meeting of the Serbian Chemical Society (Niš, Serbia, 8 June).
In her capacity as a member of the Interdivisional Committee on Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development (ICGCSD), it was a real opportunity and pleasure for the project leader to present activities in the framework of a global program for green chemistry and innovation, both in the academic field (undergraduate and postgraduate studies) and in the BioCompWaterClean project.
On behalf of the team, Slavica Ražić presented to the scientific audience the mission and plans for the use of novel biofunctionalized magnetite-geopolymer composites for the removal of phenolic compounds from wastewater. Smart bio-waste management and promising innovative solutions for a zero-waste technology that will be tested in the lab and, if proven successful, will be scaled up to a pilot model and possibly to a larger scale.
Many thanks to the team of Green Chemistry Serbia for this enthusiastic action and the wonderful afternoon.
Panel discussion: Branko Dunjić (Faculty of Technology andd Metalurgy UB), Bojan Radak (Institute for General and Physical Chemistry), Slavica Ražić (Faculty of Pharmacy UB), Jelena Milić (Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy UB), Igor Opsenica (Faculty of Chemistry UB), Mariana Ponjavić (Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering UB) and Igor Petrović (E-reciklaža 2010 d.o.o.)